iPhone, Photo Challenges, Photography, Technology

Travel Theme: International Women’s Day

International Women’s Day.  That is an interesting theme. I was a bit stumped on this one, but I thought of something eventually.  I ended up choosing two pictures:

It's a photo taken by my Mom.

It’s a photo taken by my Mom.

This photo I scanned and I use it as my gravatar.  My Mom took it.  She is gone now, but she was really computer literate.  It is a line of work she started in when computers were just really becoming fixtures in businesses and then homes.  In some ways, my Mom and I didn’t have that much in common, but I am thinking she would have loved this blog.

The second is this:

Taken on my iPhone, just for fun.

Taken on my iPhone, just for fun.

I love tea.  This photo was taken at the London Tea Room in St. Louis.  If you are in St. Louis and “need” tea, that’s the place to go.  Not only do I love tea, I love to share a cup with my girlfriends.  The venue doesn’t really matter, and a few of my friends don’t even like tea (mock horror), but for me it is the connection with my international collection of women friends who are sharing this journey with me that matters. A lot.



26 thoughts on “Travel Theme: International Women’s Day

  1. 1annecasey says:

    Both of your photos and their stories are perfect for the theme. How very ‘womanly’ of you to have agonised and then come up with the perfect solution! : ))


  2. If she would have liked your blog maybe you had more in common than you know. I think over the last several years I have come to believe that most children don’t really know their parents. I think it has something to do with not living through the same things that forged who you are in your younger years, before children, and not being able to share that part of you. So much of who we are gets hidden bleow the surface and just isn’t visible to most people, sadly, that seems to often be your own children.


  3. petit4chocolatier says:

    I love your gravatar picture and your mom sounds like she was an incredible mom. I miss my mom too. I think she would have loved your blog. I love the iPhone picture too 🙂


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