Photo Challenges, Photography

Weekly Photo Challenge: Wall

This week’s photo challenge works in nicely with something I started this week.  After attending a photo seminar last weekend I decided to try a few ideas that caught my attention.  One idea discussed was having a project wall or board.  So, I went out and bought a white board, some markers, and some magnets:

ISO 1000 4mm 0ev f/2.7 1/20

ISO 1000 4mm 0ev f/2.7 1/20

The four columns are different projects I am currently working on.  My thought is to have current versions of photos I am working on up and in a highly visible place so that I can be thinking of them throughout my work day.  Also it is a spot to jot down ideas as they come to me.

So, my photo for this week is a summary of the photography projects I have in the works.  At this point I really like the board.  In part because I am working on several different things and sometimes I find it easy to lose my train of thought  and I’m hoping this will help me.

Do you use a board or wall like this to help you stay organized or focused in your work?  How many creative projects do you have going at any one time?  Feel free to comment below.



36 thoughts on “Weekly Photo Challenge: Wall

  1. Pingback: Weekly Photo Challenge-Wall | WoollyMuses

  2. You’re certainly very organised with that board. Not only can you jot down ideas as they come, but you can see how far you’ve come and what else you need to do. Personally, I just carry around a notebook with a list of projects I’m currently doing – for instance, writing my book and going out to certain places to get photos. Nothing too much, but they do require a lot of planning and inspiration can strike anytime 🙂


    • I agree that inspiration can strike anytime, that’s why I (almost) always have a camera of some sort with me. I do also carry a notebook to jot things down. I also have a notebook at my desk. The issue was becoming for me that I wasn’t checking the notebooks enough. I’m hoping this visual will help me.

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  3. Pingback: Photo Challenge: Wall | The Bohemian Rock Star's "Untitled Project"

  4. Sonel says:

    A very interesting idea Amy and I love the photos you have on the board. Sounds like a very exciting project and I can’t wait to see what you are going to do next. 😀

    I love those colourful magnets. So cute. 😀 ♥


  5. A whiteboard used to be key to keeping on track of delivering telephony services at work but I’ve never used such a thing at home. My writing and photography projects are really more a set of ideas that have to bounce around in my head until that Eureka moment – if I ever became organised into setting up a means of monitoring where I am with an idea I’d probably feel constrained to do one thing to the detriment of other things. I recently split out my blog because my photography work moves at a different pace to my written bits and one was holding the other back as they struggled for supremacy – now they can run at their own pace 🙂

    Of course, that’s what works for me – you should do what’s right for you and it seems to be working 🙂


  6. I have two photographic projects currently on the go, one illustrative in limbo as I do more astronomy research for it, and one other illustrative project that I am just beginning the planning stage for.


  7. I really like your personal touch on this wpc – and for me personally – I prefer whiteboards when teaching or when brainstorming with a team or small group – but for myself – I do it all on my computer – or once in a while I list things in my paper notebook, but I really like to sort ideas on the computer and I have files and then master folders. The folders can get very layered if I am not careful – and locating the files is really important (as I am sure you know) – but sometimes a project will split into a few of them – and I will make two new folders – title them and move the info (pics, articles, etc.) – and then I found that for master folders – I like to have more in less folders for storage – it helps with locating (if that made sense) so I would rather have one folder with 200 items rather than smaller folders with 5 or 6 items.

    anyhow, your projects loo fun! and is that a Lego man or is it Mario???


    • My personal issue with file folders on the computer is once I have filed something on the computer I tend to think of it as “done” which is hazardous if it is actually a work in progress. For me it is a bit of an “out of sight, out of mind” type of issue.

      That is Lego Man 🙂

      Liked by 1 person

      • oh – a lego man – and I know what you mean about out of site – and forgetting – and to help combat that I leave them on the desktop and sometimes color code them – so yellow folders – or a blue color on the label. and then I keep some masters that say “go thru” “cleaner” and “working drafts” – I dunno – but I like how you are rounding up ideas – for yourself – but it might end up being anise resource int he comment section. have a nice day ❤


  8. You’re the first person to ever ask.

    As writing has always been almost as second nature to me as the visual arts, I usually compose my ideas with a word processor. Sometimes I use a spreadsheet, and sometimes its a bit of both.

    With the most complicated photography project I selected a subject, and then wrote out the project outline; I had to edit it a number of times as I modified my approach incrementally until I was satisfied with what I was doing. Subjects are often viewed as the same things as themes in art — I think largely due to the process of exhibiting art often taking referring to the subject as a theme, but technically, they are umbrellas for underlying themes and potential sub-themes in a series of works. You can set themes right away in an art project but for the aforementioned series, I allowed the themes in that project to develop organically as I shot and began to produce a number of images that naturally coalesced into groups of related photographs. Eventually, I simply named the themes, and wrote their contexts. Now any other shots that I make in that specific project, I can easily assign them to one of the defined themes.

    The other photography project is far less involved but still relying on a very subtle outline with a simple subject. It just doesn’t have any specific themes for grouping images.

    Art illustration is analogous to reportage or documentary photography. It is about telling a story through pictures or sculpture except the stories are typically — not necessarily, fictional. So for such personal projects I write the stories, and then illustrate them. The trick is that some stories, even those that are fictional, require a measure of reality in them to make them palatable, so research of those scientific, social, technological, psychological or whatever facts are necessary for building the story and; therefore, creating quality illustrations.


    • Interesting. As a bit of an aside, when you are using a spreadsheet are you working left to right or top to bottom on a page? not that it matters, just curious.

      I guess I’m not particularly surprised that you are planning out your projects in a written format, as your final product sometimes involves quite a bit of writing. To me, it seems like you have done a lot of research and thinking on your projects even when there is not a lot of writing. I would refer to that as distilling an idea, and would argue that that comes through in your work. That habit of thinking through a project is something that I struggle with a bit in that I sometimes have a hard time focusing on any one thing for a long period of time. My white board is a way of trying to work on that part of my workflow.

      Thanks for your thoughtful response.

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