11-22mm Lens, Canon 50D, Photo Challenges, Photo Editing, Photography

Weekly Photo Challenge: Serene

A recent trip to Rome gave me the opportunity to visit Montecassino Abbey.

ISO 250 22mm f/9.0 1/800

That’s it up on the hill. The Abbey was founded by St. Benedict and is beautiful with stunning views.  This image was taken at the nearby Polish War Cemetery. The calm, serene image that I have above makes the destruction of WWII and the fighting that took place here almost unimaginable. It was so quiet while I was here, peaceful.

I used a wide angle 11-22mm lens to capture this scene. I like that lens for landscape shots like this one, it helps bring a sense of expansiveness to the image. It was very bright that day, so I took a few exposures.  In Photoshop, I merged two of them into a single HDR image.  I find that HDR is sometimes a good way to create an image that has a good final exposure, meaning that I haven’t lost to much detail in either the dark or light spots in the image.  Other than that, I let the image stand on it’s own.  It was a bit hazy that day, and I haven’t attempted to take that out of the photo.

For me, this was a peaceful, quiet moment. You will have to tell me if that is the kind of feeling it evokes for you? Feel free to comment below.

While we are on the topic of serenity, I’ll tell you my life at the moment is anything but.  It’s a good thing though, just somewhat full to overflowing.  I have the opportunity to do several unique and exciting things over the next few weeks, so I have decided to take a break from blogging. I will be back mid to late January, so I’d like to take this moment to wish all of you a serene and peaceful holiday season and all my best to you for the coming year. Thank you for reading.



47 thoughts on “Weekly Photo Challenge: Serene

  1. Pingback: Serene: Four Tree Hill – What's (in) the picture?

  2. I do feel a sense of peace and serenity from looking at this image. No clouds, clear sky, no people in sight, it’s like the place is just being itself. Wishing you the best of luck for the weeks ahead and enjoy 🙂


  3. Beth says:

    How beautiful. And yes, when I first look at your photo, I get a feeling of serene peace. Your narrative, however, explains the true nature of the site and I found the juxtaposition of the marvelous old Abbey and the reverential Polish War Cemetery to be quite powerful and solemn. I can almost hear voices in the great silence. I’m glad to have discovered your site and look forward to your return after a break. I am just returning from a blogging break myself and understand how essential it can be and also what a joy to return.


    • Thank you for your visit. You are right, this is a very powerful place, lots to think about that’s certain. I think you have also summed up my feelings about my blog, I really enjoy it, and want to keep enjoying it, so I will take a break. Seems counterintuitive, but I think that’s true.


  4. Wishing you a happy holiday season Amy. Good for you to find balance in your life and know when a break from blogging is needed. You have left us with a beautiful image as you bid us farewell. Thank you so much for all of yur support and encouragement here on the blog and on Instagram. We appreciate it very much.

    Liked by 1 person

  5. You have beautifully captured the essence of the place in this photo. I am often not in favour of HDR, but you used it really well in this photo. Enjoy your time off from the blog sphere. And may you have a beautiful and serene holiday, too.


  6. Pingback: What I Am Working On: A Continuation | Photography Journal Blog

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