50mm Lens, 70-200mm IS lens, Animals, Canon 50D, Nature, Photo Challenges, Photography

Weekly Photo Challenge: All-Time Favorites

I was sorry to hear that the weekly photo challenge I have been participating in for years is being discontinued as of this week. As a final challenge, they have set the theme as all-time favorites. I went through my archives and found three photos.  I start with this one:

ISO 800 195mm f/6.3 1/250

This was originally published in 2015, it’s one of a series of images that tell the story of a robin’s nest we had outside of our home. The theme for that week’s challenge was intricate, and my post was featured on Freshly Pressed.

The next photo I chose was this one:

ISO 400 50mm 0ev f/4 1/100

This photo was part of a project for a Photoshop class I was taking at the time. The journey of how the photo came to be was the subject of several blog posts but perspective which was published in 2014 was the post that wrapped the story up and included the image above.

The third photo was taken in late 2017 and published here in March under the challenge theme of favorite place:

ISO 800 185mm f/18 1/125sec

I was incredibly lucky to have stumbled across this scene. It was also part of a trip of a lifetime for me to Tanzania.

While I am disappointed that this particular weekly photo challenge is at an end, I’ll take it as a challenge and opportunity to try new things on this blog. While I am not sure exactly what this will mean, I do intend to continue to generally write in a format that includes notes on how photos were taken and processed. For all my readers, I would like to thank you for visiting my blog and a special thank you to folks who have taken the time to comment.




49 thoughts on “Weekly Photo Challenge: All-Time Favorites

  1. The end of an era… Maybe. I think I can remember the weekly photo challenge ending before and then continuing because of the outcry! I haven’t personally taken part for over a year – I guess I sometimes found the ‘prompt’ too oblique for my simple mind 😉 Anyway, let’s see what happens. In the meantime there’s Cee’s photo challenges which are a bit more down to earth and I’ve recently been joining in with Nancy Merrill’s Photo a Week challenge. Perhaps you’d like to join in with those?

    Liked by 1 person

    • Yes, I am in the process right now of looking for new challenges. I suspect I will try several before settling into a regular routine again. Thank you for pointing out Nancy’s challenge because I hadn’t come across that one yet. Travel with Intent also runs a One Word Sunday that I may try. I was aware of Cee’s challenges because I get her posts in my reader 🙂 I had also recently been posting Wordless Wednesday on some weeks, so I might continue with that as well. Thanks very much for your comment!

      Liked by 2 people

  2. A lovely selection and tribute to the WPC Amy. It was a challenge so many of us enjoyed and most of us will continue to share our photography via our blogs in ever evolving ways. Your image of the lions is one of my favourites 💜

    Liked by 1 person

  3. Wow, I didn’t know until exploring from your link that the whole Daily Post feature (of which this Photo Challenge was a part) at WordPress has gone away.

    Here’s hoping you’ll find something else you enjoy as much that you can share here.

    Liked by 1 person

    • Yes, I was surprised at how much they were shutting down, and honestly am curious to see what direction they take next. As for me, I will figure something out and probably will continue to blog because I do really enjoy it.


  4. Hi, Amy. I’m sad too that the challenges are coming to an end. If you’re interested, a few of us are thinking about collaborating on weekly challenges. We can take turns coming up with a theme, so all the work doesn’t fall on one person. If you’re interested, let me know. As for your images, I can see why you chose them. They’re great. I love the clarity and color.

    Liked by 1 person

    • I’ve added your blog to my reader because, in addition to liking your posts, I will be interested to follow along with any challenge you come up with. A few weeks ago I was thinking again about an offline photography project that I have had on the backburner, and I am thinking this is probably a good time to pursue this. For that reason, I will turn down your offer with some regret. I do appreciate being asked, as the community here on WordPress is something I have really enjoyed.

      Liked by 1 person

  5. Pingback: Farewell WPC | What's (in) the Picture?

  6. Sad to see the challenge go. It was how I discovered your blog, and how I developed my interest in photography. Really like thw bowls shot. Lots of steam going on there. Hot shot.


  7. Although i haven’t participated in the challenges for a long time i was highly surprised to see them end. I always found it interesting to see what others came up with. These three photos are certainly high achievers. The first one makes me want to hold my breath for fear of frightening the wee bird.


  8. Hi Amy, I really like the middle photo of the tea bowl, or Japanese bowls, or ? It’s quite peaceful and yet also inspiring.

    So it’s the WP (WordPress) weekly photo challenge they are ending? Wow. That’s a big deal, isn’t it? I mean, when I started blogging I did the Daily Prompt and of course, we had Freshly Pressed – which went away a while ago too, now. But I see they’ve eliminated the Daily Prompts too. >…..< Hmm.

    It's a bit like feeling abandoned, isn't it? Thanks for sharing your post, Amy! And rest assured I'll be here for you in the blogosphere!


    • Thank you Theresa, I’m glad you will be sticking around, as I plan to as well 🙂 And yes, they did kind of get rid of everything. I’m just wondering what they have in mind (if anything) going forward. Right now I’ll be bumping between other challenges and prompts, I’m sure I’ll find a new routine eventually.
      The bowls were a gift from Taiwan, I do find them beautiful.

      Liked by 1 person

      • Yeah, I was stunned to see they’d cut out everything. My theory had been that they created daily and weekly prompts and photo challenges to promote more blogging using wordpress.com so that it would increase ad revenue from ads in blogs. So, then I had a theory that maybe the prompts and photo challenges were becoming too popular and the number of pingback listings for each prompt were overwhelming. But then I just looked at late May prompts and there’s only like, 200 responses, which is about the same as it was a few years back. I did find an posting on one of the WordPress forums yesterday of users complaining that they should change their minds, and in the thread there was a posting by a staff member saying they were taking things in a different direction. I can’t find the article today that the staff member pointed to, but I did copy two links for what she said they *would* be doing:



        Can’t quite make out what these two links mean, though. 🙂

        I’m in the process of thinking what I want to do with the blog, I’ve been enjoying the community but have had less energy for blog posting, more for continuing my own fiction writing. I’ll be interested to hear how your routine comes out!


      • Yes, I had read the other article you link to in your other comment. I remember thinking that it didn’t really clarify anything in terms of the direction they were going. I had however noticed in the last months or maybe a year that I felt like the number of participants in the photo challenge had dropped. I was still a bit surprised when they scrapped the whole section without replacing things.
        At this point, I have spent a lot of time with my blog this week, behind the scenes, looking into new challenges that might be appropriate for my blogging interests. I will not continue at that time investment long term, but I do respect that anytime I go to switch things up there is some time investment that goes with that.

        Liked by 1 person

      • Interesting, esp about your investment of time for looking at new challenges. And, that you had seen a drop in the photo challenge activity, rather than (what I thought) might have been an increase. I recall noticing they had discontinued Freshly Pressed a while back, going instead for this “Discover” feed, which I tried but found overwhelming, too much volume to sort through.

        About the new challenge, I’ve been considering, in the past few days, the idea of a “round robin” group, or something (is it called a “crawl”?) where you have a set of blogs that all post at about the same time (once a month?) and the participants visit each other’s blogs to read the involved post and comment. I thought I’d read about this type of structure but couldn’t find anything when I Googled it yesterday. I guess it’s like a Challenge, except I was thinking more of a “tour” among a set of participating blogs, rather than an open-ended challenge. Have you done something like I’m describing?

        Anyway, I did notice that Miriam Hurdle and “Cee” are starting Pages on their blog where they post the challenges people send them. So, it looks like there are some substitute challenges to the WordPress ones, if desired.

        Let me know what you decide! 🙂


      • I’m glad I’m not the only one who finds Discover to be a bit too much. I do subscribe to it in my Reader, but rarely find content that way, just because it tends to be too wide-ranging.
        I have heard of and seen a blog crawl. That also has been a bit too much for me and the ones I have seen tend to be more socially focused, like sharing more personal information than I am completely comfortable with.
        I did see Cee’s page of challenges. I actually pointed it out to another photographer who stood up a challenge this week. Turns out she knew Cee as well. I appreciate that there are a few bloggers who are compiling and sharing that information, I have found that helpful.
        As for my blog, I’m willing to give it some time to resettle. I do like it here and that is important.

        Liked by 1 person

      • Thanks! for the affirmation about Discover! It does feel scattershot, doesn’t it?

        I’m sort of kicking around a very small-scale blog crawl proposal, but I’ll think about it more. I, too, am not as interested in the social aspect, I really enjoy the art aspect. Hmmm. 🙂


      • Well, yes. Vague was the way to put it! A big frustrating. – Though I don’t actually use Daily Prompts any more, and it was overwhelming when I would try to read others’ posts, it was hard to get a lot out of them (reading) for the time spent. Humans like to be expressive, don’t they? 🙂


      • Yes, I found the Daily Prompts were too much for me in terms of volume of material to look through. Just doing the Photo Challenge once a week was good enough for me. Also, because it was a photo challenge, the entries tended to be more suited to my interests.

        Liked by 1 person

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