Canon 50D, Photo Challenges, Photo Editing, Photography

Travel Theme: Benches

I read that benches was the theme for this week at Where’s My backpack?  and thought of this picture:

ISO 200 50mm -0.67 f/4.5 1/8000

ISO 200 50mm -0.67 f/4.5 1/8000

There is a bench there!  This was taken at the end of the day at Fort Anne in Nova Scotia.  This photo was taken from the Perimeter Walking Trail looking over the Annapolis River.

I had been taking photos in the late afternoon and messing around with my settings quite a bit.  Then I did something that as a photographer you are “never” to do, I took a picture without checking my settings.  So, I can tell you that this photo is all “wrong”.  I like it though.  I could have fixed it up later, but chose to leave it as is.

