Canon Powershot ELPH 320 HS, Photo Challenges, Photo Editing, Photography


I was reading this Macro Monday post by Cee at Cee’s Photography this morning. And it reminded me that I had been given a fortune cookie in honor of Lunar New Year that I had forgotten to open.  So, I opened it and here is what I found:

ISO 400 4mm 0ev f/2.7 1/50

ISO 400 4mm 0ev f/2.7 1/50

Good advice for any week, but I have a project due this week and a test, so I guess I should get to work.

I shot this photo using my point and shoot on its macro setting, in part to copy the style of Cee’s post;  seemed fitting since her post was the inspiration for this one.  I also thought that using the macro setting would draw attention to the fortune and blur the background nicely.

I edited this a bit in Photoshop, cropping, straightening, and sharpening the image.  Then I headed off to school, ready to invest my time wisely!

