50mm Lens, Animals, Canon 50D, Photo Challenges, Photo Editing, Photography

Weekly Photo Challenge: Grades are Letters Too

One of the things that is tough about taking a Photoshop class is concern about my grade.  I can’t help it, and I probably worry about it too much.  What should be most important is if I think I am learning something, not what letter has been assigned to my most recent project.  This post is about my most recently turned in, but not yet graded project, and is also my response to the Weekly Photo Challenge, Letters.

If you have been by the blog in the last few weeks you know that I am working on a project that is a tribute to Georgia O’Keeffe’s Cow’s Skull with Calico Roses.  Since I wrote about it last this project went in for a final critique and then was turned in as a finished project.  One of the major changes I made before the final critique was to change the overall color of the image.  Here is what I had:

ISO 100 50mm 0ev f/5.6 1/125

ISO 100 50mm 0ev f/5.6 1/125

And here is the next version:

ISO 100 50mm 0ev f/5.6 1/125

ISO 100 50mm 0ev f/5.6 1/125

I changed the color in Photoshop using Image-Adjustments-Match Color and matching it to the original painting.  You may also notice that I removed the oil paint filter from the cow’s skull and instead put a slight blur on it.  I applied a similar amount of blur to the tree blossom.

Based on the feedback I got in my final critique here is my final version:

ISO 100 50mm 0ev f/5.6 1/125

ISO 100 50mm 0ev f/5.6 1/125

You can see I added a bit of a shadow, and a vertical ripple to the right side, and added another layer of texture.

What do you think of my final version? Feel free to comment below. You can even leave a letter grade if you want.  This was also turned in as a print.  I chose to make and 8×10 print on 11×17 art sketch paper that was a cream color.  The paper itself also had a bit of texture to it.


