52 Week Smartphone Challenge, iPhone, Luminar, Photo Challenges, Photography

52 Week Smartphone Challenge: Week 17

This week’s challenge took me a while to sort out in terms of how to approach it. It seemed to be asking for balance and a Renaissance painting. I did a bit of clicking around before even taking the photo. I looked at these images, that turned up in a search of “Accidental Renaissance” which to some extent go me to thinking about the subject matter of the photo. I later watched this tutorial about using a texture to create a painterly effect. These two things were part of how I ended up with this image:

ISO 25 f/2 1/237 sec 4.2mm

I do feel like this edit may have wandered a bit in terms of the challenge, but I still liked the outcome. The initial edits included a custom white balance, increasing the luminance and using the sky enhancer slider. I did crop and straighten the image as well. On a separate layer, I added a custom texture following the linked instructions above.

Your thoughts and comments are welcome below.

