Canon Powershot ELPH 320 HS, Photo Challenges, Photography

Weekly Photo Challenge: Surprise

The surprise I got last night when I went to fix dinner was… no power!  The Mayans are right, the apocalypse is on!  The ironic part of that is this week I spent a lot of time in the comment section of this post  by rarasaur (it’s a great blog) trying to decide what I would wear to the apocalypse.  However, having now lived through 20 hours of no power, overnight, it was cold! I have decided I will wear layers to the apocalypse.

I was most thankful to see this sight this morning at the end of our street:

Woo hoo, this is where I usually put my camera data, but who cares? turn on the power!

Woo hoo, this is where I usually put my camera data, but who cares? turn on the power!

We survived our mini-apocolypse by lighting a fire in the fireplace and putting a thin foam like padding over the entrances to our living room:

It was quite cosy.  We even brought in Bubbles.  That would be the Beta Fish than lives with us.  They don’t particularly like the cold, so we have to keep an eye on his water temperature:

Bubbles by the fire

We survived our apocalypse, we even thought of a few more items to put in the survival kits we keep, so great!  I would also like to say that my choice of clothing, “layers”, was awesome.  I rounded off my fashionable outfit by having a cold, that just kind of made the look.

