11-22mm Lens, Animals, Canon 50D, Nature, Photo Challenges, Photo Editing, Photography, Picfair

Weekly Photo Challenge: Beloved

There is a story behind every photograph:

ISO 1000 173mm f/16 1/200

In this case, it is a story of a young zebra napping near its mother:

ISO 1000 90mm f/16 1/200sec

Then a car starts, and nap time is over:

For this story, I have left the smaller images of the zebra composing himself in their original as-shot state. The two larger images I have edited. They have been cropped and sharpened.  This past week or so, I have been experimenting with curves in Photoshop instead of levels which is my usual go-to for white balance. Earlier in the week, I had been using curves to get a black and white image to pop a bit, so it wasn’t really a stretch to see how that might also work in a color image of a zebra.

I created the first image as a stand-alone, and I think it works on its own.  The images taken together though tell a story. To some, it may have an aww factor since it includes a young animal. To others maybe it tells the story of a mother’s care for her offspring. For me, it is also an expression of my love for wild places. On a more practical note, it is also a bit of wild for the wildcard in week 5 of my Dogwood challenge. What, if anything, does it mean to you? There are a lot of ways to correct or creatively edit white balance, do you have a favorite?  Feel free to leave a comment below.



36 thoughts on “Weekly Photo Challenge: Beloved

  1. Pingback: Beloved – Snow – What's (in) the picture?

  2. Amy, as always, so fun to hear your thought process as you created these images. I really loved the first photo, which seemed to capture the vulnerability of the small zebra along with the protectiveness of the mother nearby. The last photo seemed to capture a puzzled look on the “face” of the baby, which was also interesting. The second photo struck me with its constellation of zebras, all at different angles to the photographic lens, which suggested quite a different situation than just the mother-and-baby photo alone. Thanks for talking about how you enhanced the white balance. Fun!

    Liked by 1 person

  3. Pingback: Weekly Photo Challenge: Beloved — Photography Journal Blog | Success Inspirers World

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