70-200mm IS lens, Animals, Birds, Canon 50D, Flowers, Instagram, Nature, Photo Challenges, Photo Editing, Photography

Weekly Photo Challenge: I’d Rather Be

It’s not so much a question of where I’d rather be but that I’d rather be wherever that is with my camera. The photos in the gallery below are from my trip in December to Tanzania:

I came home with a lot of photos, and I have been working on sorting and editing them. One of the projects that I have in mind for these photos is a book. It will be a bestseller. There will be two copies made eventually.  At the moment, the photos that will be considered for the book are in two albums on Flickr, an unedited larger album, and a smaller book album. That unedited larger album is also the one I have shared with friends and family who have asked to see some photos, 96 from the original 1,690. The smaller one is photos that have been edited and are ready for possible publication. It is a work in progress.

But as awesome as the trip was, and as much as I am enjoying the process of working with the photos, the reality is that I really like to take photos. Even of everyday things, like these that I took yesterday morning:

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I enjoy processing my everyday experiences through a camera lens. How about you, do you feel like a camera is part of your everyday life? Your thoughts are welcome below.  Feel free to browse my Flickr albums as well and leave a comment here if you like.

