Birds, Canon Powershot ELPH 320 HS, Nature, Photo Challenges, Photo Editing, Photography

Weekly Photo Challenge: Achievement

I found out this week that this photo won an honorable mention in a photo contest that I entered it in:

ISO 800 4mm 0ev f/2.7 1/50

ISO 800 4mm 0ev f/2.7 1/50

I titled this one, Siblings, it was taken last spring as part of a series of images I took of a the nest that was just outside our kitchen window.  This particular image was taken with my point and shoot camera.  I then cropped it and sharpened it in Photoshop.  To be honest, I did minimal post editing with this photo because I thought that the picture told the story without anything added to it.

I was pleased to have won with this photo, it seems like quite an achievement to me considering the quality of competition that my camera club offers.  Let me know what you think in the comments.



64 thoughts on “Weekly Photo Challenge: Achievement

  1. Kay Rodriques says:

    That is an amazing shot. No, no additions necessary. I wonder where mamma bird was when you took this picture!! Congratulations on placing in the contest!


  2. Pingback: weekly photo challenge: achievement | Musings of a Random Mind

  3. Congratulations on the honorable mention. Well deserved, and you used your point and shoot really well 🙂 Perfect fit for this week’s theme. Little creatures successfully coming into this world and opening their eyes just a bit. It looks so cozy there and they look so at home. I hope the birds have grown up big and strong and have come back for a bit of a visit 🙂


  4. Pingback: Finding Nemo in paper mache | Non perfect writing

  5. A well-deserved feat and a proof once again that it is not about the equipment but about the person behind the camera. I like the fact that you kept editing to the minimum. I used to have a phase when I liked to overedit my photos and now I hate them 😀 Congratulations, PJB!


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