50mm Lens, Canon 50D, Nature, Photo Challenges, Photo Editing, Photography

Weekly Photo Challenge: Time

I enjoy walking through graveyards, but that was not what I was doing this past week when I saw this grave marker:

ISO 800 120mm 0ev f/11 1/125

ISO 800 120mm 0ev f/11 1/125

I was walking through a garden at the time, and this grave marker just happened to be in it.  I was happy to have my longer lens with me so as not to be tempted to trample in the garden even in its off season.  I bracketed this photo and later created the HDR version that you see above.  I also used several filters in Photoshop that, while I think still look realistic, dramatically changed the photo.  Here is the original:

ISO 800 120mm 0ev f/11 1/125

ISO 800 120mm 0ev f/11 1/125

You will see that I cropped the photo as well, mostly to remove the plant label, but also to get rid of some of the sky which I felt wasn’t particularly helping this photo.  I had never been to this garden, but as I was walking though I thought that it was a place I would like to come back another time. I love visiting gardens as they go through their yearly cycle of blooming and dying.  I feel the same way about graveyards, which tend to be gardens in their own right.  It might seem dark and creepy to some but to me it is the opposite.

How about you, do you have a favorite place to visit in all the seasons?  What do you think of my edits?  Feel free to leave a comment below.



40 thoughts on “Weekly Photo Challenge: Time

  1. Pingback: Weekly Photo Challenge: Time | Musings of a Random Mind

  2. Pingback: Time (Book Reader) | Chris Breebaart Photography / What's (in) the picture?

  3. Nice shot and processing. I had a similar idea for the time challenge. I love graveyards and have several posts about them. I don’t think they are creepy, I find them calming. Puts things in perspective.


  4. I really like the HDR version and enjoying comparing the two – I went back and forth a few times. I also love how you had a lens to use so you did not have to walk on the area – when i used to teach students during nature hikes in Northern California we would sometimes talk about the life that is living beneath the layers – and that was nice to read. And what a great find to have while equipped with your weapon of choice. ha!


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