Birds, Canon Powershot ELPH 320 HS, Nature, Photo Editing, Photography

This Project is Complete, On to the Next One

The last time I wrote about my Pictorialism project in Photoshop class, I was trying to decide which prints to turn in.  I decided on six of them, and of those six, four were chosen to be put on display in the hallway at school.  Of those two, two of them are portraits of my children, so I won’t be posting them here. The two others, you have seen on this blog as they were being created, and here they are on the wall:

ISO 400 4mm 0ev f/2.7 1/30

ISO 400 4mm 0ev f/2.7 1/30

ISO 400 4mm 0ev f/2.7 1/30

ISO 400 4mm 0ev f/2.7 1/30

I first wrote about the bird here.  The version that you see above had an additional step before I printed that I had not written about in that post.  I added another layer in Photoshop. Basically I duplicated the file and changed the blending mode to multiply which made the print darker.  I thought this was necessary because the original print turned out to yellow in my opinion.

The tree I wrote about in a post where I showed a few different versions.  The blue version that is on the wall is also a darker version of what I had originally shown.  I decided I really wanted a deeper shade of blue and so I used a levels adjustment to make it darker, and I also darkened the edges of the photo.

So, this project is complete, come full circle, you might even say.  I’m started now on my next project which is food photography.  I’m sure I’ll be posting about it in the coming weeks.

I know it’s not a major exhibit, but it is always fun to see your work on display don’t you think?


