70-200mm IS lens, Animals, Birds, Canon 50D, Flowers, Instagram, Nature, Photo Challenges, Photo Editing, Photography

Weekly Photo Challenge: I’d Rather Be

It’s not so much a question of where I’d rather be but that I’d rather be wherever that is with my camera. The photos in the gallery below are from my trip in December to Tanzania:

I came home with a lot of photos, and I have been working on sorting and editing them. One of the projects that I have in mind for these photos is a book. It will be a bestseller. There will be two copies made eventually.  At the moment, the photos that will be considered for the book are in two albums on Flickr, an unedited larger album, and a smaller book album. That unedited larger album is also the one I have shared with friends and family who have asked to see some photos, 96 from the original 1,690. The smaller one is photos that have been edited and are ready for possible publication. It is a work in progress.

But as awesome as the trip was, and as much as I am enjoying the process of working with the photos, the reality is that I really like to take photos. Even of everyday things, like these that I took yesterday morning:

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I enjoy processing my everyday experiences through a camera lens. How about you, do you feel like a camera is part of your everyday life? Your thoughts are welcome below.  Feel free to browse my Flickr albums as well and leave a comment here if you like.



88 thoughts on “Weekly Photo Challenge: I’d Rather Be

  1. Who knows, Amy. It could be a bestseller. You just never know 😀 Good luck with it and let us know how you go. My camera is certainly a part of my life and I bring it out wherever I go, except when it’s a routine trip back and from work. I feel naked without my camera. While my phone has a camera to take decent enough photos, I still prefer my Canon over it anytime, any day.


  2. Your photos are wonderful and I look forward to your book. My camera was always part of my daily life but I’ve found my (lesser quality image maker) iPhone has been what I’ve been using more. Not sure if it’s laziness or just a change of emphasis on my life. Thanks for sharing your amazing animals and trip. Wow!


  3. Amy these are beautiful, both the exotic and every day. I am not a photographer like yourself but I do take a lot of photos and videos as part of our day to day life. I think it really opens my eyes to the world around me.

    Liked by 1 person

  4. Pingback: I’d rather be ….looking at the reflections – What's (in) the picture?

  5. Your photographs are great and I anticipate your book. My camera was dependably part of my day by day life however I’ve discovered my (lesser quality picture creator) iPhone has been what I’ve been utilizing more. Not certain if it’s apathy or only a difference in accentuation on my life. A debt of gratitude is in order for sharing your stunning creatures and excursion. Stunning!

    Liked by 1 person

  6. Amy, Tanzania is on my travel wish list. You managed to catch some great photos there. I have only recently started learning more about photography and trying to improve, but I still have a long way to go. I will look forward to your photography book 🙂


  7. about time you have a book project going – and make that two!
    right on….
    and whew – 96 from more than 1,000
    good for you (that must be tough)
    I am cleaning up about 700 in a folder right now and I would like to keep about 1/3 – and I am trying to be fast and ruthless in deleting.


      • thanks and that is so true.
        in this case – I forgot about a lot of the photos (lont story – but I had this batch sitting separate because at the time I was trying something new – sorting before lumping them in the rest – did not work) so I forgot about most of them – but was glad to find a couple. make that two! A tree shot and this street shot with an arrow pointing towards the door – so that shows you how much photos can stay with us – or not stay with us – lol.
        and I learned that (for me) it is actually easier to delete “later on” – just like getting rid of kids stuff is easier if we wait a few years – hmmm


      • I agree, sometimes it is easier later. I often do a quick run through when I have downloaded photos and get rid of the absolute duds. But then it takes me longer to get through the serious editing phase. For example, I am still working on some files from October. However, once I finish with those files, it will be easier to delete what I don’t want because they will have been sitting around for months.

        Liked by 1 person

      • that is exactly how I feel – except October would maybe feel more recent to me – ya know?
        and I also want to delete because it just feels easy and breezy to skim less photos – I used to just have the mindset to keep even the not so good ones cos “you never know” – but then when they just sat – for years – well let them go and don’t be all “digital photo hoarding” hahahh


      • Yes, I would agree October is pretty recent. I also agree with you about the whole, you never know bit, I struggle with that to an extent. I have to say though when I hold on to photos like that, I usually end up looking at them later, like let’s say like a year later and being, what was I thinking I would need that for? then it’s really time to let them go 🙂

        Liked by 1 person

  8. I’m still enjoying your eye through the camera, Amy! What a momentous project, all that photo organizing. Kudos to you! 🙂 I’ve rediscovered that Canon SLR that I took the garden photos with, it’s such a pleasure to have more detailed images than one gets on an iphone at times. 🙂


  9. Pingback: Weekly Photo Challenge: I’d Rather Be — Photography Journal Blog – Nasir Riaz

  10. Magnificent collection. How lucky are you to have had this experience to walk/ride among these majestic creatures. How I hope to follow in your tracks someday. The Hippos are my favorite! Wishing you great success with your book. Love from The Maldives


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