Cee's Black & White Photo Challenge, iPhone, Luminar, Photo Challenges, Photo Editing, Photography, Picfair

Have a Seat

I was walking through the National Garden in Athens when I came across these seats:

ISO 32 4.15mm f/2.2 1/50 sec

Given the sheer amount of history you are surrounded by in Athens, I couldn’t help but wonder how long these benches had been around, how many people have sat in them?

I took this photo with my iPhone. I liked it well enough to create and edited black and white version:

ISO 32 4.15mm f/2.2 1/50 sec

I’ve softened the background a bit, to give the surrounding trees a bit of a dreamy feel. I’ve kept the detail in the seats though, I found the detail on them and their texture interesting. If I had the opportunity, I would probably have shot this a bit differently. The tree in the foreground on the right side is a bit problematic. It’s distracting left in but taken out the first bench comes really close to the edge of the frame.

That’s how it goes sometimes though, I only had a moment to take the photo, so I did.  I’m glad I did, I like the scene. Do you have photos like this, something that you like but may have shot differently if you had more time? Do you like this is black and white? Feel free to comment below.


Added to Cee’s Black & White Photo Challenge, Any kind of tables or chairs

Added to Xingfumama, Pull up a Seat Photo Challenge.

Picfair version here.



35 thoughts on “Have a Seat

  1. I love these old amazing seats and wonder about their history. I like the image in black and white but prefer the one in color. It’s more light and looks natural, through my eyes 🙂


  2. Oh if these benches could tell the tales of those who sat on them. I think the black and white brings out more detail of the benches but I do love the green backdrop. Maybe as a contrast of the living and long gone.


  3. Pingback: Pull up a Seat Photo Challenge-Week 10 | XingfuMama

  4. Hi -the three benches reminded me little pieces some golf my classes made when we had this certain type of air-dry clay. It had a slight cement feel and dried rough and the chairs seemed like that.
    I also wondered if they were old (probably because it was in Athens) but I have been to art shows where reproductions are made of modern artists make stuff to look old – or raw – or just artsy.
    So I wonder about this little trio-
    And if they were really old you would think they would be being protected -?

    And I did not really notice the tree to the right in the first photo – but maybe it is is not a distraction and maybe that bit of tree adds something to the unity but connecting to the other trees – esp those back left ones.
    And I like how you took it out on the black and white version –
    And was wondering if using the retouch tool could allow you to wipe it out but leave some space.
    I have removed cars this way – ot a few distractions – but it depends on the photo whether or not it works – other times a hard crop is better. Or sometimes I have layered another photo behind the pic to give more on a side – and then softened the edge of the photo and see if it blends – sometimes it works.

    Lastly – I like both the black and bait and color version equally.
    Cool picture


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