50mm Lens, 70-200mm IS lens, Canon 50D, Lens Artists Photo Challenge, Luminar, Photo Editing, Picfair, What I Am Working On

What I Am Working On: Creating a Watermark

Spoiler alert: There’s a bit of a curveball in this post that makes the ending a bit of a cliffhanger.

The directions for making a watermark in Luminar 3 are in the instruction manual under the heading, Working with Layers. I’m starting with that declarative statement because I didn’t find that on my own, I e-mailed the folks at Luminar, and they sent me a link.

ISO 800 50mm f/10 1/100sec

This is actually my second attempt at making a watermark. The first was a bit of a cheat in that I used Photoshop to help me make it. Not that there is something inherently wrong with that, it’s just that if my objective is to no longer have an Adobe subscription, I need to stop using those programs. This time around, I hand wrote “Maranto Photography” and then scanned that as a jpeg to use as my watermark layer.  The instructions Luminar provided are fairly straightforward, although I think that in some places they assume a bit of working knowledge about photo-editing. That’s fine for me, but maybe a bit of stretch for others who don’t have prior experience. Given that not having editing experience is a bit of a selling point for Luminar, I think this is a bit of a potential frustration for users.

Here I am again, a day later, giving it another try:

ISO 200 95mm f/16 1/160sec

This second one worked a bit better in my opinion.  If you are taking a look at the watermark directions from the link above, the step I am fooling with here is the curves.

Here’s the promised curveball, it involves the curves functionality in Luminar, or rather the lack thereof. You may have noticed that the photo in my last post did not have a watermark. That’s not from lack of trying, it’s because I couldn’t get the sliders in curves to function properly, which is a pretty important step in the creation of my watermark.

Here’s the promised cliffhanger, I’ve reported the problem to Luminar. I posted in their community forum and they responded asking me to basically recreate and file the problem. I sat down and did that on Saturday morning. They have received my files, and I am waiting on a response. I’ll be writing up a follow-up blog post.

The photos used for this post were taken on the same day in Normandy France. The first is from Monet’s garden at Giverny, and the second is a view of the lovely town of Les Andelys. The first photo is a work in progress, I’m not crazy about the current edit. The town shot I am happy with and have a version on Picfair. You bet I have added this post to the Lens-Artists Photo Challenge, Curves.

Know of an easier way to create a watermark in Luminar 3? leave a link in the comments below.  At this point, Lightroom is leaps and bounds ahead of Luminar in terms of watermarking. Feel free to comment below on any of the edits or watermarking in general.



38 thoughts on “What I Am Working On: Creating a Watermark

  1. I’ve never attempted a watermark and I have to say I don’t really like them. If you make a living from your photography the I guess it’s essential. Definitely one for Curves, Amy 🙂 🙂


  2. LOL for your interpretation Amy. I like Luminar but use it rarely as I find L/R and P/S so wonderfully complete. Having lived through the death of Apple Aperture I am convinced that being with an industry-leader whose lifeblood is their editing product (s)makes life much less stressful. Beautiful images this week!


    • Yes Tina, I can’t fault you for your logic. I also lived through the death of Aperture and switched to Photoshop/Lightroom then. I would agree there is a good reason to stick with what is considered the industry standard. I just can’t, guess I’m just being difficult 🙂


  3. Hi Amy, I always enjoy hearing about your strivings to expand the technical side of your knowledge. The image of the town in the second picture is really lovely. Story-book visual! And I rather like the results of your Watermark experiment in the second photo. It looks artisan but not amateurish. 🙂


  4. I think you will find that Luminar is going to fall short. If you don’t like Adobe and want an excellent equivalent to PS/LR I recommend Corel. They are on par with Adobe. Some functions are even better in Corel. If you need advice on what’s best to try call them. I know you will get better results than you can with Luminar.


  5. Ps I still use Corel on occasion, though I prefer Adobe since I currently have more practice in it than with Corel. When I began my career over 30 years ago I used Corel for 10 years then had to switch to Adobe because the firm I worked for would not allow me to continue using Corel.


    • So, I would say that a watermark is a bit of personal preference. I took a quick peek at your blog, just to kind of see what you are up too and it looks like you have a lot of interests 🙂 I would frame my answer this way. When you are traveling on your bike, what do you do to secure it? Let’s say an alarm. A watermark is like securing a photo with an alarm. Will that stop someone who is determined to steal it from stealing? no. Will it deter the casual thief? probably. That’s one thing to consider. Branding is another, if you decide to start selling your photography, you will want to seriously consider a watermark. If you are looking at getting into editing photos on a more regular basis, several of the software options on the market have watermarks that are easy to use.
      I took a look at your camera, just because I’m not as familiar with the Nikon line of products. I hope you like it, really the best camera is the one that you are most familiar with and understand how all its features work.


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