Canon Powershot ELPH 320 HS, Childhood, Photo Challenges, Photography

Travel Theme: Transportation

I couldn’t resist dragging this photo out of my albums when I saw that transportation was the theme this week at Where’s my backpack?

ISO 400 4mm 0ev f/2.7 1/80

ISO 400 4mm 0ev f/2.7 1/80

Recognize this car?  It the same type of car driven by the father in the movie A Christmas Story and is on display at the house which is now a tourist trap.  A great place to visit, if you have the chance, I have blogged about it before. Never heard of the movie? Check here for details and then do yourself a holiday favor and watch it.


Canon 50D, Photo Challenges, Photography

Weekly Photo Challenge: Urban

The theme this week from WordPress is urban.  That is kind of a tough one for me, because I don’t tend to do much of this kind of photography.  This weekend, however, I was given a great opportunity to take some urban photography in my current hometown of St. Louis.  Festival of Nations is on this weekend, and it is a lot of fun.

ISO 500 f/5.6 1/30 35mm

The smaller your ride, the easier it is to find parking!

ISO 250 f/5.6 1/200 135mm

Lots of music and dancing!

ISO 250 f/5.6 1/100 95mm

Nothing says “urban” like Highland Games!

The festival runs Saturday and Sunday.  Make sure to come hungry because the food booths are varied and wonderful.



