Canon 50D, Photo Challenges, Photography

Travel Theme: Walls

Quebec City has walls.  So you would think that I might have taken a few pictures of the walls when I was there.  I didn’t though, and here is why, I was to busy taking pictures from the top:

ISO 100 28mm 0ev f/11 1/200

ISO 100 28mm 0ev f/11 1/200

It was the view from the wall that I couldn’t get enough of.  So even though the theme at Where’s My backpack? is walls, I am posting this photo.  You can even stay at that huge castle (haha) Details here.  Quebec City is a great place to visit, but come ready to walk, because that is the best way to see it.


Canon 50D, Photo Challenges, Photography

Weekly Photo Challenge: Fleeting Moment

The wordpress photo challenge for the week is “fleeting moment” more specifically a fleeting moment on the street in honor of street photography.  So, here is mine:

ISO 100 35mm F/4 1/80

I realize that this photo does not really fit in with the “street art” idea of the post challenge but here is my rationalization/justification.  I was only in Quebec City for a few days on this trip.  That’s fleeting right?

All my Canadian readers will recognize this as a store front for Beaver Tails.  That is a warm pastry with cinnamon sugar on it and then there are many other topping variations that can be added.  Yummy, but it is  A LOT of sugar!

