50mm Lens, Animals, Birds, Canon 50D, Nature, Photo Challenges, Photography

Travel Theme: Light

I didn’t travel too far this week’s theme, light, I just went to a local elementary school.  A friend of mine teaches there and they are doing a life cycles unit, which includes monitoring some chickens as they go from eggs to chicks.  At day seven I went in to take some pictures of candling.  Here is one of those from the series I took:

ISO 2500 50mm 0ev f/6.3 1/10

ISO 2500 50mm 0ev f/6.3 1/10

If you look at the lightest part of the image, you can see the head of the developing chicken.  How cool is that?

The challenge to getting this image is, as you can see, that I was  shooting in the dark.  I used my tripod and asked my friend to stand very still.  You will notice that the ISO is really high here.  I could have tried a lower f-stop to let in more light, but I really did want to preserve a good amount of depth in the photo, so that is why it is set to f/6.3.


Photography, Uncategorized

Photos for Rejection, I mean Submission

Because what fun is taking pictures if you can’t have someone reject them?

Ha, ha, sort of.  Anyway, I have two photos that I submitted today.  The first is a robin egg photo.  If you caught my earlier post, you know I was taking them this morning.  I went out again this afternoon, to get what I hope is a better shot.  This will go for judging to my camera club, and it has been edited.  I use GIMP for post-editing.

ISO 200 125mm f/25 1/5 tripod

This next one is for National Geographic “My Shot”. I can submit one photo per month. Post-editing is not allowed.

ISO 200 135mm f/6.3 1/25 handheld


Birds, Nature, Photography, Uncategorized

Overrun with life and I haven’t even left my yard

This bunny is responsible for starting the morning madness:

ISO 200 135mm f/7.1 1/125

Out to eat in the yard, so I have to try and sneak up on it.  Didn’t get too close.  But then I found this:

ISO 200 135mm f/7.1 1/125

This is a handheld image.  I didn’t have the tripod out this morning because I was “too busy”.  OK, or not, or yes I am busy, but that other stuff is going to have to wait.  I’m dashing back inside for the tripod and shutter release to take some more pictures before the light is gone and I also have to be moving on.

ISO 100 135mm f/29 1/2

ISO 100 120mm f/22 1/2

Thoughts on the three egg photos? Do you have a favorite?

So, I got some photos and my youngest made it to school on time. Yippee!

